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Boost Circular Economy and Smart Cities

Autumn 2023

Details of the Challenge

Boost Circular Economy and smart cities Our 4th Open Innovation Challenge is embedded in the National Open Innovation Camp (NOIC) program. The NOIC will take place from September 6 to 9 as a side event of the Swiss Green Economy Symposium (SGES) in Winterthur.

The central integration of sustainability is one of the greatest global challenges. Interdisciplinary cooperation is a key factor for success, as sustainable and intelligent solutions require the participation of a broad spectrum of actors. The shift from a linear to a circular economy is but one piece of the puzzle on the way to a sustainable society. Cities and municipalities are confronted with these challenges, as the following data impressively shows.

"Despite occupying only 2 percent of the global land mass, our urban centres consume more than 75 percent of natural resources, are responsible for over 50 percent of solid waste and emit up to 60 percent of greenhouse gases, contributing to pollution, climate change and loss of biodiversity. " (Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation)

In this context, various concepts and solutions have been developed or implemented to date. Nevertheless, we are still far from reaching an urban circular system. To achieve this, we need both more radical ideas and innovations that work faster.

Workshop In joint workshops with the Innovation Booster Swiss Smart Cities, participants will develop new radical ideas to tackle challenges and problems in the field of circular economy and smart cities. During the workshops, the participants work in small interdisciplinary teams and are supported by Innovation Booster moderators and experts.

  • How can circular economy benefit smart cities or vice versa?

  • How can digitalisation support the transformation to a successful circular economy?

  • How can innovative solutions for real challenges related to the circular economy and smart cities be developed?

  • How can radical ideas for sustainable urban development be generated to attract viable innovation?

Topics of the workshop challenges

1. Logistics

2. Digitalisation

3. Energy

The aim of the Open Innovation Challenge was in particular the exchange and networking of stakeholders and learning from each other.


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